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Map of Montreal topographic: elevation and relief map of Montreal

You can find on this page the Montreal topographic map to print and to download in PDF. The Montreal elevation map present the topography, river and relief of Montreal in Quebec - Canada.

Montreal elevation map

The Montreal topographic map shows elevation, hills and landforms in Montreal. This elevation map of Montreal will allow you to know topography, river and relief of Montreal in Quebec - Canada. The Montreal topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Montreal is located in the southwest of the province of Quebec. The city proper covers most of the Island of Montreal at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. The port of Montreal lies at one end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, which is the river gateway that stretches from the Great Lakes into the Atlantic Ocean. Montreal is defined by its location in between the Saint Lawrence river on its south, and by the Rivière des Prairies on its north as you can see in Montreal elevation map. The city is named after the most prominent geographical feature on the island, a three-head hill called Mount Royal, topped at 232 m elevation above sea level.

Mount Royal Park starts at the edge of the city just beyond the McGill campus and runs alongside neighborhoods like Plateau before rising to the top of 764-foot-tall Mount Royal (Mont Réal), the hill that gives the city its name as its shown in Montreal elevation map. The twisting roads and paths of this crown jewel of Montreal park system were initially laid out by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed New York Central Park. While Olmsted plan was not followed in all its details, the final result was true to his vision of a woody park that takes advantage of the site hilly topography. There are two belvederes with views of the city skyline and the St. Lawrence River, and one of Montreal iconic landmarks, a 103-foot-high cross, sits at its northern end. The park is most popular in summer, but residents flock here in every season, to enjoy the colorful foliage in the fall and the cross-country ski trails and toboggan runs in the winter.

Montreal, right behind Old Quebec City, is one of the most European looking cities in North America. Montreal is pretty much at sea level, it is an island city smack in the middle of the St. Lawrence River. However, there is a mountain in the middle of the island! Well, not so much of a “mountain” really, though many of us like to think it is. It is actually a BIG HILL, maybe 750–800 feet high as its mentioned in Montreal elevation map. But it sure looks impressive, just a bit north of the downtown buildings. There is a man-made lake part-way up, trails for hikers and picnickers here and at the peak, and a lookout up there with great views of downtown plus the river.